Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor Breathwork
The Ultimate Potential Coach - Daniel Posney - Best Life Coach Sound Healing Shamanic Breathwork

You will...

experience aspects of yourself that prior to our meeting you were unaware of.

You will...

feel heard in a way that you may have never felt heard before.

You will...

feel a sense of immense love and gratitude for yourself and for me.

You will...

experience the distinctive loving awareness…yours and mine.

You will...

want to spend another day together. As you walked away and got in your car and drove home or flew home you would think And re-think and ponder on what it is we created together and you would say “What happened? How did it happen? How can I keep that alive in my life?”

You will...

see things that you have never seen before about you your life others their lives and life itself.

Without fear or limitation, let us sit on the edge of the world and create your miracle.


Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor Breathwork Facilitator

Clayton said “Daniel, you’re on another level.”
Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor

Kassia said “Thank you for being such an amazing healer, guide, guru, shaman, priest, soul, and person here on Earth.”
Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor

Baker said “Rite of Passage with Daniel Posney is highly, highly recommend with him, if you have any inclination to do this. Daniel is a powerful, visionary, inspiring and fun medicine man!.”
Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor

Jesse Lash said “There are few words that can truly describe the power and majesty of Daniel’s gift. He is bright, empathic, intuitive, and integral. It is difficult to compare Daniel to any other healer, because of the fact that he is a true master of sound and energy. With lifted consciousness, high vibrations, and pure authentic heart, Daniel of Sedona shows up. He shows up for his clients, he shows up for his friends, he shows up for strangers and asks nothing in return. I am humbled and honored to work with him, as well as inspired everyday I do.”
Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor

Raquel V. said (after counseling for herself and her beloved) “Daniel is a rare find. He is an amazing gift to women. I bring him on my retreats as an embodiment of the Divine Masculine. Through his work, women are able to let go of masculine energies of pushing, forcing and controlling and surrender into their sensual, receiving Sacred Feminine. I have also experienced Daniel have a profound impact on men, being the shining light to remind them to come home to who they truly are. His work literally saves lives and relationships. Daniel is authentic, he truly walks his talk, and that, is a rare find.”
Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor

LuLu said (after breathwork) “I don’t want to talk about this to anyone. I just want to keep it here (hand over heart)…[tears]. Do I have to leave? I just want to stay in this.” Later…LuLu said “What can I say about my experience with you and breathwork? Amazing, powerful, intense, euphoric, life-changing, and so much more.”
Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor

Margaret Joy said “I had two great sessions with Daniel. One with a group of five women – we have known each other for over 37 years and come together in Sedona. We not only moved through emotional depth and expansion individually, but as a collective. Deep healing in relational, career and physical issues were addressed and harmonized.

Individually he has helped to open the core limitations and defenses in considering intimate relations after a 27 year marriage. The combination of his generous listening, spiritual and emotional journeying and sound light- and full-heartedly brings healing and joy.”
Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor

Rich said “Wow. What an experience. You helped me to unlock a door that has kept me in bondage for my entire life. “
Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor

Robin said “Thank you for helping me to be free.”

Mia St.John said “I came to Sedona with a friend looking for answers and some sort of solace. We both recently lost our sons and have had difficulty moving forward. I wanted answers because I am very analytical. We also did some visualization and I felt more connected to my son (who passed recently) than ever. I walked away feeling satisfied with the answers and guidance Daniel gave me. It was the most peaceful I have ever been in my entire life. My experience was life changing. I will remember Daniel for the rest of my life and the gift he gave me during my darkest days.”
Best Life Coach Relationship Counselor

Sandy G. said “I am so honored that you led me into this journey. I feel so much positive energy and healing with you. It has been an experience I will always remember. Thank you!!”
Mystic Sound Healing Shamanic Breathwork

Jackie said “I have completely shifted my view and perspective of life. I will never look at life the same again.”

Adrian & Camille said “Thank you for such a life-changing experience. We hope to take the tools we’ve acquired and share them with the world.”

Chris P. said “Thank you for your great energy. [my girlfriend] is the happiest I have ever seen her. She feels wonderful and more confident. She can’t stop talking about the session. AmaZing man. Really good work. You really made an impact with your techniques, my friend. Looking forward to working with you.”

Ken and Kristen said “Thanks for your spiritual guidance. We consider it a blessing to have met you and learned from you. It was fun too!”

Jackie H. said “With your guidance, I have expanded. I journeyed to places I never expected or imagined I would go.”

Tracy & Luke said “The breathwork session you did with me was so uplifting and truly was one of the best experiences I had…it was absolutely wonderful. Talking with me through my purpose and passion made me feel like you understood. Your words made me feel so much better.”

Dario D. said “With Daniel I had great sessions, he helped me to heal old deep wounds. Very intuitive in reading my energy and very skilled in working with different healing modalities. I had indoor and outdoor (in nature) sessions with him. It’s been a powerful experience for me.”

Jessie & Kevin said “Thank you for guiding us through Ho’opono pono [prayer], we’ve been needing some deeper healing…your intuition and gentle heart made us feel comfortable and safe sharing and opening up”

,Kelly H. said “At the end [of the breathwork session] you asked if you could tone? or tune? over my lower back?? It was quite a phenomenal experience and the pain in my lower back, quite honestly, disappeared almost instantly. “

Tony F. said “I loved working with Daniel. He challenged me while remaining gentle and supportive. I really feel like he understood me, what I was (am) going through, and the directions in which I want to grow. I would recommend Daniel to everyone wanting an insightful and straight-talking counselor. Also, sign up for a breathwork session! It’ll change your life.

Jewels Maloney from Sedona Transformation said “Daniel is a strong, sensitive, spiritually advanced and highly inspirational and loving teacher, healer, and musician. You will never go wrong in doing any kind of spiritual and healing work you choose to do with him. He changes the lives of all who he works with and has done this with great integrity for many years!”

Judy said “I had the most transformational experiences with Daniel during a private breathwork session in March 2023. The trajectory of my life has been catapulted in such a positive direction that I never dreamed possible. I am still blown away at how much spiritual growth took place during those 90 minutes. It felt like I had just undergone 10 years of therapy in 1 breath work session. I cannot wait to get back to Sedona and reap the benefits of subsequent sessions! Thank you Daniel for sharing this gift with others! Much love and aloha”

Carolina said “I just wanted to say THANK YOU so very much for all that you did for me. Although my four days here were extremely powerful and enlightening, Without a doubt YOU were the Highlight of my time [on retreat]! You TRULY were. I know already that my life has changed for the better, and that I will come back to Miami, and to my kids, a much happier, healthier overall balanced person, and this will be all thanks to you. I thank GOD, my Guides, and the Universe, for having allowed us to meet and start my own inner healing process through you. You are an ANGEL on this earth, and I am so GRATEFUL to have met you. May GOD continue to Bless you and the wonderful work that you do!”

Charis said “My experience with Daniel is of gratitude for his insights, hard earned wisdom, generosity of spirit, genuineness, authenticity and above all else, pragmatic compassion. Through only few interactions I feel connected and valued, not judged but equally not coddled. Simply, I am accepted for where I am, encouraged to see through a new perspective and respected for the time it may take me to do so. Ultimately, Daniel is someone my husband and I can trust to listen and guide us as we try to break out of thinking that doesn’t serve us. Like a valued friend, I know too that Daniel truly cares that we get there. I am grateful that Daniel has found this path and that he is willing to share it.”

Bradford (Men’s Retreat participant) said “Thank you brother for such an awakening, transformative and instructional retreat!!! I have more than I came with. Thank you for holding space for me, and providing a place for immense understanding of the path and being an authentic guide of the true true!!!”

Angela (Bradford’s wife) said “My baby DOING THE WORK! This is what true Masculine energy is all about. Daniel Posney has one of the most sweetest energies I’ve met in a gentleman. It was such a pleasure to spend time. I highly recommend folk to check this out!”

Brendan said “The work you do is OUT OF THIS WORLD! I am so thankful that you came into my life and showed me a new world connected to spirit and love. You really inspired me to follow my heart!”

Jona said “‘Thank you’ is simply not enough. I am grateful that you are who helped me really begin this journey. I am already anticipating our next meeting and I look forward to continuing to learn from you. Thank you for sharing yourself with those of us seeking magic.”

Corrin L.M. said “I just wanted to say “thanks again” and send my sincerest of gratitude for the time and wisdom you shared with us today! The 4 hours spent with you made a profound impact on my consciousness and will undoubtedly change my life forever!

Again, my soul thanks you!”

Charles Jacquin said “While living in Sedona, I come across a lot of folks claiming to be what Daniel actually is. He’s the real deal!

Author of S.A.I.N.T.: How to Live More Fully in the Spirit

Smyth Family said “Thank you very much for your time and guidance…your wisdom and encouragement is healing.”

Cindy K. said “It was very important that I felt comfortable and safe in order to do this kind of work. My angels were really looking after me when they booked you for my session. You were perfect. You held space for me to do my work in my own way and I am forever grateful for that. Your calm and peaceful Soul set the stage for the rest of the retreat.”

Sara said “I was able to discover numerous insights through this journey and it’s allowed me to level up in tuning into my intuition and TRUSTING it. I am in a more evolved, expansive state of self since this experience and I’ve been able to bring this new glowing essence with me in everyday life. I feel like this experience can help create so much growth and synergy towards your soul potential and finding your path.”

Talin B. said “Thank you so much for the breathwork session. I felt such a powerful connection to myself, as well to everything. I will never forget the vision and mantra I experienced and just the overall energy. Thank you again for facilitating such a transformative journey.”

Salima Y. said “Thank you Daniel, what an epic session! Thanks a million for your unbounded support “

Katie said “Thank you for your genuine presence and kindness. You really made a positive impact on Jeff and showed him that strength can look different than the traditional masculine ‘man of the house’ idea that society can define.”

Jeff said “Eternal gratitude! Your kindness, presence and relatedness provided me with a safe place to truly explore myself. Without your unconditional love I would not have been as genuine and true with myself. Your wisdom and personal experiences (which are so scary close to mine) really resonated with me. I was able to drop in and take full advantage of the guided meditation you facilitated.  My recent experiences with fully present meditation has opened a door to an interest I never would have imagined in my life.”

Rich said “Thank you for your love, compassion, and intuition during our session! You have an amazing gift and I am grateful that you shared it with me.

“Allow me to be loved and feel safe for 5 minutes…then, I’ll go back to being strong again” was exactly what I needed. You showed me respect. You listened and heard me and you did it without judgement and unconditionally. Thank you for your kindness, gentleness and love!”

Brandy [after a breathwork session] said “My heart is full of gratitude. I can’t thank you enough for the journey you took me on, during our sessions! I can confidently say that I AM a breather [now]. Your wisdom, guidance, love and support allowed my spirit to awaken and take a breath. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Valerie said “I truly enjoyed being around your energy! You’re amazing and I was fortunate to get to spend time with you!”

Stan said “[Daniel] led me through a powerful personal transformation/reboot that I am still walking forward in today. A compassionate healer, a loving man, a doer of good deeds.”

Pete said “It’s been an honor – truly…you reached out and gave my soul the biggest bear hug! And then, you refused to let go, even when I squirmed. You showed me love, empathy and compassion, no matter how much ugliness I shared. You showed respect, patience and dignity. You have helped me learn, grow, and evolve… You’re a gifted teacher and guide, and I’m a better man for knowing you. Thank you, Daniel, for being such an important part of my journey and so much more. Thank you for everything.”

Jacqueline said “Both of my breathwork sessions (2 years apart) with Daniel changed my life. Daniel is a gifted healer and an incredible person. Thank you Daniel for giving of yourself so completely.”

Baker Gendron said “There are not enough “Thank You“s or words to express my gratitude for guiding me [in the Rites Of Passage]. Thank you for honoring me and hearing me. This journey was profoundly joyous, hard, easy, and sacred. You, my brother, are everything I needed to get me there and through.”

James and Lori said “You’re the man! I learned more about myself and how to get conscious in 90 minutes with you than the rest of my life combined. We loved your sense of humor and insightful stories…our vibration is on a major upswing, thanks to you.”

Todd said “I have had the pleasure of experiencing immense inner healing with Daniel on several occasions.  It’s difficult to express the entirety of my gratitude.  Daniel and his divine spirit is a very unique, pure and beautiful essence.  I had a tremendous out of body experience as he helped me to eliminate past trauma and taught me how to be present and embody unconditional love.  My relationship with my father was difficult at best, however that one session with Daniel guided me on the path of unconditional and divine love and prepared me to be truly present during the most emotional time in my life.  My mother, siblings and family thanked me over and over again for the love, compassion, calmness, and comforting energy that surrounded and embodied my being.  I now know what being present in the moment, being without your alter ego, fear/anger or holding onto any negative beliefs can look like and most importantly what unconditional love really means. Thank you Daniel, for showing me love, grace and kindness.”

Margaret Joy W. said “It was a joy for each and all of us to be with you. I would like to say that your healing was grounded and magical and is from the inside out – healing her emotional pain from the reconstructive surgery and healing all of us from the trauma of cancer mended and rejuvenated our group heart. She is now cancer free, and together with you, although the pain continues, it is with less pain around her pain. being together with you we have another layer of love and freedom around it. Your work (play) brought us to amazing levels of healing and growth. This was the best trip we have had together and each year as we are with one or two of Sedona’s best – everyone is perfect for unfolding our next level of healing, connection and joy. And you my friend were it for all of us this year!.”

Kassia Frihet said “Thank you deeply for being such a grand catalyst within the masculine circle, assisting so many men on their path to wholeness within, and through that creating a beautiful openness and receptivity of the feminine offering.”

Shara & Friends said “Who is the most joyful person we know? Daniel Posney. He says yes to life, to love and to allowing experiences. Daniel agrees and he also acknowledges that he only says Yes to what resonates with his heart.

I say “Yes” more than ever and I give thanks to Spirit for this amazing man, who embodies a balanced divine masculine and divine feminine within himself. Daniel is all about integrity, love and self mastery.”

Rita Gray said “I have few words for how blessed I feel…The entire experience with you was magical in every sense. I am forever expanded in a whole new way.”

The Mellon Family said “Your energy is magical and your life inspiring. Thank you for your gifts. The world is better because you’re in it. Thank you for all you do.”

Debra H. said “Loving the after effects Daniel! Previous solid block inside melting. This session with you brought to light how I’ve been holding onto victim stance in ways I didn’t realize. That’s huge! Also realizing the ways I’m making my body an enemy, and how much unnecessary tension I’m carrying. Sound healing was very special. Your toning is extraordinary – unique vibrations reverberated inside me. I’m grateful I was led to the right facilitator to help me work with this long-held shadow. Thank you so much for your sensitivity and for sharing the fruits of your own journey in so many effective ways!”

Daniel and Faith said “Thank you for using your gifts to help us heal, release, replenish and restore. We leave Sedona better than we came in, because of you. We are grateful.”

Margie F. said “I wanted to take a minute to thank you for the wonderful session…it was awesome! You have a gift.”

Brian B. said “Wow. My journey with you was amazing. I really enjoyed spending time with you and being in the presence of your energy! Thank you!!!!!!”

A client had been diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer. We had a session together and offered some insight and remote healing for her mother. The client wrote to say that she is now cancer-free and her mother has halted her Alzheimer’s disease and attributed it to the healing that happened in Sedona.

Emily said “Thank you for your wisdom, your kindness and your openness. I am so grateful to you for providing me with tools to take home that I can actually use. What incredible meditations you guided me through.”

Athena said “I just wanted to send my deepest gratitude to Daniel Posney for all that he is. He is what I know to be an energy healer, guide and mentor. I knew that I would meet him in person and he would be important to me. I did and he has been. He is what a healer truly is. He doesn’t necessarily heal like how many of us know healers to. He heals simply by his presence, by his divine masculine presence that’s softens the wounds one carries by his words and compassion. “

Amber Rae said “…one of the most therapeutic and freeing experiences I had on this journey. You being willing to connect [channel] my brother and allow him to speak with us [through you], was beyond any words I have right now. “

Lisa said “I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful Shamanic Journey you guided me through. I can honestly say it changed my life’s direction. The knowledge I gained gives me strength. You are an alchemist in every way.”

Shifting Perspectives YouTube Podcast with Daniel Posney