with Daniel Posney
Online Group Coaching
life – relationship – emotions – health – spirituality
Online Group Coaching
Life – Relationship – Emotions – Health – Spirituality
You need to know ONE thing…
This is NOT your normal coaching, counseling, or therapy. It comes from what might seem to some as a radical and unconventional perspective, which requires an openness and commitment level, that goes way beyond what you see in the price.
Our purpose is to guide those who are ready, towards a more enlightened perspective, “right relationships”, and balance, which includes: spiritual ideas and concepts, Oneness, radical love, and authenticity.
Our audience is essentially anyone who is on a path or life-transformation or who is open to stepping onto a path of true happiness, clarity, and authenticity.
- No speaking out of turn and only when called upon, after “raising your hand”.
- Keep comments within the framework of the topic of the day or the question presented.
- Cuss words are allowed, at a minimum, to emphasize a point, and not in anger.
- All topics are allowed, but will be distilled down to the feeling you are having about them.
- Responses should be focused on the topic.
- Any actions towards other participants that cause harm will be grounds for suspension.
Each participant will be given set of questions to contemplate and answer. These answers will be used gauge where a person is at in their life and process. Later, at intervals, participants can reevaluate themselves.
Kassia said “Thank you for being such an amazing healer, guide, guru, shaman, priest, soul, and person here on Earth.”
Nancy said “Extraordinarily Soul Evoking! Wow! It opened Portals to the ‘Heavenly Realms’, to Self- Realization, that remain open still today. He is a ‘Clear Mirror’, a most Pure Reflection, a Portal into seeing Oneself! And he does it all with such Grace, such Ease, such Respect. The 1st time I met Daniel, his eyes were Transparent, and so filled with Truth & Integrity that I felt unusually and totally safe. And now My Husband feels the same way.”
Charles Jacquin said “While living in Sedona, I come across a lot of folks claiming to be what Daniel actually is. He’s the real deal!“
Rich said “Wow. What an experience. You helped me to unlock a door that has kept me in bondage for my entire life.“
Brendan said “The work you do is OUT OF THIS WORLD! I am so thankful that you came into my life and showed me a new world connected to spirit and love. You really inspired me to follow my heart!”
Clayton said “Daniel, you’re on another level.”
Pete said “You have helped me learn, grow, and evolve… You’re a gifted teacher and guide, and I’m a better man for knowing you.”
Charis said “My experience with Daniel is of gratitude for his insights, hard earned wisdom, generosity of spirit, genuineness, authenticity and above all else, pragmatic compassion.
Margaret Joy said “Deep healing in relational, career and physical issues were addressed and harmonized.”
Read and hear more testimonials from working with Daniel Posney
$27/month! Online Group Coaching
life – relationship – emotions – spirituality.
transformative, effective, and professional.
Why so affordable? – “Yes, it’s worth so much more (normally $180-$250/hr. for individual coaching). I’m giving you this offer at the recommendations of my marketing team. This is my ‘dharma’ or ‘kuleana’ (service, responsibility). So, it’s ALL your gain. The plan is to invite up to 10 people, per month. In a short amount of time, we’ll get to know each other and may work deeper one-on-one, outside the group, in a personal retreat, or workshop. We’re doing really great work and love more people having access to the benefits. If you know me and the life-transformation, relationship, and healing work that I’ve been doing for over 15 years, you already know what the results can be. You know what happens. If you don’t know, this is a fun way to start our relationship.” – Daniel

Next Series Starting March 12th, 2025
registration expires in...
Are you ready to commit $27 per month (less than $7/week), to have access to ongoing, twice-a-month, life and relationship coaching? Join Daniel Posney and friends, for a fun and enlightening way to reduce stress, worry, and anxiety, heal, transform, and elevate your life and your relationship(s).
Try these ideas/concepts on and see if this will be a good fit for you:
- If you are triggered (have a reaction), it is yours to do the “inner work” on.
- What you need him/her to be for you, is what they long to become. They just haven’t known how.
What they need you to be for them, is what you long to become. You just haven’t known how. - Most, if not all, of your arguments have their original cause from childhood traumas, not from your adult life.
- Your experience of life is flavored by the thoughts, beliefs, and frequency of consciousness that you embody.
- At the original source of chronic illness is in our response to emotional trauma.
- Nothing that we experience is negative or positive. We assign positive or negative to it.
- You are where you are, because you unconsciously believe it is better here than where you say you want to be.
Here are some questions that we routinely contemplate and resolve:
- How do you feel about yourself and about your life? Where are you at right now (emotionally, spiritually)?
- How meaningful, fulfilled, and rich is your life? What is missing in your life? Why?
- Do you feel secure with others? Do you need a lot of activity in order to feel “normal”?
- Are you plagued with resentments, anxiety, and tension, or with loneliness and a sense of isolation?
- What has kept you from complete joy in all areas of life?
- What has been your negative pattern(s) or beliefs?
“People disappoint me” or “I don’t take care of/love myself” or “I never feel supported”. - From the world…What do you need? (love, honesty, trust, security, affection…etc.). Give 3 answers.
What’s Included?
Group Coaching Online
Using Zoom, you’ll have two opportunities to meet, per month (on the 2nd Wednesday at 7:00pm and on the 4th Sunday at 8:00am – AZ/MST time zone). This schedule is the best solution for participants in different time zones.
We’ll have 1 hour to work with the topic of the day (see Video Library list below). Be ready to take notes and ready to release resistance to greater love and to expand in consciousness. Daniel Posney‘s style is to get right into it, without a lot of “fluff”. His passion is fueled by his wisdom, knowledge, and direct experience.
You’ll be receiving a high-consciousness, spiritual perspective, as well as a practical or pragmatic one. When engaging with participants, less than a minute of their “story” is all that’s required to discover the energy behind the patterns. Exercises, meditations, and tools will be given to further your inner work offline.
Individual, private sessions also available.
5 Major Topics
Life (personal growth, meditation, parenting, awareness) – If you want to know perspective on the BIG questions, we can do that. If you’re looking for life hack tips, we can do that too. We’ll deal with emotional healing too, like guilt and shame. Those two are the source of so much pain and suffering.
Emotional Healing – Negative emotions are at the root cause of physical illness, disease and pain. But, our negative emotions can be guideposts for us. Learn what emotions you are feeling and what their root is. Hint: their source is not found in your adult life.
Relationship (Communication, intimacy, triggers) – I wish I knew then what I know now about relationship dynamics. I was doing the best that I knew how. Now, wow, it all makes so much sense! I realize that my own mind had sabotaged my past relationships. I am in love with and adore my wife!
Health (nutrition, intermittent fasting, wellness practices) – Though, I’m not a licensed nutritionist, I’ve learned from those who are and from my own body awareness. I’m over 60 years old and I really love my body. I am more in-tune with what’s going on within it and what it needs. My resting heart rate can get down to 45bpm and I’ve lost 20lbs. (from my “normal” weight).
Spirituality (Deeper insights, higher perspective) – Outside the confines of the local mind and beyond purely physical, there’s a space…let’s blow our own minds with truth.
Guest Speakers
Working in Sedona, our friends are wise, compassionate elders. Some are called healers, mystics, shaman, coaches, counselors, and guides. All are highly-respected wisdom-keepers and experts.
Practice (exercises and goals): you choose your commitment level. You’ll get resources and exercises to put into practice what you’ve been learning.
50+ Video Library Access
- Attracting Your Soulmate
- Healing Expectation Frustration
- Healing Relationship Wounds
- How Do We Get Our Needs Met?
- Are You Enough?
- How Does God Reveal Itself?
- Alternate Therapies for Cancer
- Miscarriages and Pregnancy Woes
- Healing Irritation
- How To Effectively Resolve Arguments
- Feeling Unmotivated
- The Cause of Sleep Apnea
- Abandonment and Neglect
- Boundaries
- The Best Way To Help People With Illness
- Results of 7-Day Juice and Water Fast
- Healing Our Reactions to the World
- Living Our Highest Excitement
- Our Life Validates Our Beliefs
- Grieving From Loss
- Frustration Anger and Resentment
- Healing Anxiety
- Cultivating Presence
- Quieting the Monkey Mind
- How To Stop Judging
- Healing Migraines
- How to Resolve Apathy
- Releasing Guilt and Obligation
- How to Navigate Spiritual Awakening
- Embracing What Is – How to be at peace
- What I Learned From Cancer Patients
- My Gallbladder Teacher
- My Appendix Teacher
- Healing Our Wrong Conclusions
- What is a Dark Room Retreat?
- A Beginners Guide to a Spiritual Path
- Going Beyond Traditional Therapy
- Is Meditation The Fix For Everything?
- Therapist, Counselor, Life Coach, or Shaman?
- and so much more!
Only 9 spots left!
In order to keep the integrity and quality of our program, space is limited.
Ok, so nothing is “limited”. But, we love to keep the group size manageable for the platform we are using.
No problem. If you signup before the deadline, you’ll get your first month for $1. After that, cancel at any time. Even if you end up paying $27 for two group coachings, I’m confident you’ll get your money’s worth and more!