What if God/Love is ok with the world, because this is just one frame of the reality, where God creates every version existing now? Actually, God would have to be in Love with its creation. Even that implies emotion and evokes physicality. There would only be Awareness.
If God is omnipresent (present everywhere), omniscient (knows everything), and omnipotent (all-powerful), then it is without needs, requirements, and desires.
Everything is valid and everything is truthful, because Love/God lets everything be, because all of it is Love/God. The question is not whether it’s right or wrong, whether their approach is right or wrong, or whether my approach is right or wrong. The question is: Does it feel exciting and expansive to me? And if it doesn’t, then I choose something that does.
See what this idea or perspective brings up.
Is it upsetting that God/Love isn’t upset along with you?
Do you need God to defend you, over others?
What part of you (heart, body, loving presence, ego) is upset with this idea?