Life-Coaching Rates
Coaching & Mentoring
One-On-One Sessions- Life-Coaching Rates with Daniel Posney of Sedona. Hourly, in-person, and via Zoom/online. Mentorships and packages available. For more than 6 hours, consider a package or a 3, 6, or 12-Month Mentorship Program.
- Contact us for groups or retreats.
Online session
- Transferrable
- 60-Day Expiration
- Zoom or Phone
Online Package
$432/5 x 1hr sessions
- Transferrable
- Package pricing
- Online sessions only
- Transferrable
- 60-Day Expiration
- In-Person
In-Person Package
$720/5 x 1hr sessions
- Transferrable
- Package pricing
- In-Person
Mentorship Programs
Choose your committment level
3-month term
- Discover which negative patterns and limiting beliefs affect your life and keep you stuck.
- Heal/integrate guilt, shame, anxiety, worry, and self-worth.
- Practice exercises which enhance peace, happiness and life success.
- Learn tools and techniques for better communication, and healthy relationship.
- Understand and integrate past traumas (we all have trauma).
- This is the introductory, student level. You will become familiar with terms and concepts, while experiencing life-changing realizations about yourself.
- For 1 hour each week, during 3 weeks per month (4th week off), meet (online) with Daniel. Hours of Coaching: 9.0
6-month term
- Embody a higher version of self. Embrace a more authentic way of living, which is more in alignment with your soul.
- Practice exercises which move you beyond your past fears and into clarity and your life/soul purpose.
- Learn tools and techniques for better communication, and healthy relationship.
- For those who require a longer-term accountability and plan of action. Diet, nutrition, as well as any negative habits will be addressed and improved upon.
- For 2.0 hours each week, during 3 weeks per month (4th week off), meet with Daniel, online (Zoom) for a deep dive into activation of higher consciousness and the ease and atrophy of the egoic mind. Hours of Coaching: 36.
12-month term
- STARTER, TRANSFORM and learn to access higher levels of consciousness and teach without ego.
- Find true inner peace and lightness of being and embody authenticity and presence.
- Complete dedication and commitment is offered and required. You will be stretched physically, mentally, and spiritually.
- For advanced training for healers and teachers. Includes instruction from other teachers, shaman, and mentors. Learn how to facilitate healing/counseling sessions, workshops and retreats.
- For 2.0 hours each week, during 3 weeks per month (4th week off), meet with Daniel, in-person or online (Zoom). Additional training, in Sedona, every quarter. Hours of Coaching: 72.