The ancient Toltecs, which are like the Aztecs and the Mayans (an ancient culture) and Joe Dispenza both talked about unlearning certain traits. Changing our normal, everyday habits and our personal reality, which becomes our personality, in order to affect positive changes in our life. What the Toltecs used to say is…Change your normal everyday patterns. Instead of getting up and right away getting on your computer or taking a shower or making breakfast. Switch things up.
I have a little bit of that pattern. First thing, I get up I take a shower. I go to the other room and start my morning ritual. And so it goes. Make some little change that takes you out of that normal pattern will cause your neurons in your brain to fire differently. According to Joe Dispenza, our neurons fire in a known way, which gives us the same feelings in our body which causes the same responses which causes the same reality to show up. If we want something different than what we’re getting, we need to kind of change that up a little bit. So we get out of that known behavior which becomes our personality and our personal reality.
I have a choice. Either, I realize that I haven’t really really done the thing that will shift my reality, or give me what I want. Or I’m actually happy, being where I’m at. Even if it’s not a perfect life that I’m somehow I’m okay with this imperfect experience. I know that I’ve played both of those scenarios in my life. Even though my finances weren’t great or my car needed work, I’m actually okay with that. I’m okay with my life. I don’t need to fix everything that goes wrong, or I don’t need to have every imperfection perfected.
Then, there are certain times when I say “Okay, there’s there’s something about my life that I’d like to bring up to the higher level.” And I’ve tried this, and I’ve tried that. But, so many times I realize that I really haven’t tried those things that I secretly know, will shift my reality.
It’s not that the reason why I gave up alcohol and meat because the amount of alcohol and meat that I eat is detrimental to me. It’s very small. I wanted to shift into the reality that would show up when I wasn’t in that pattern. It’s not the alcohol and meat that I was eating was so bad. It’s just that I wanted to shift myself by changing the neurons in my brain so that I would be in a different reality. Get that?
It’s not just that we’ll change the reality that we’re in to be a better reality. It’s so that we actually shift into a different reality. When my wife, was diagnosed with breast cancer, I created an event. We invited in community, friends and family to be there. It was beautiful. One of the things that I said was “We’re showing up here for love and healing. But, we’re not here to heal Valerie. I’m not giving you that responsibility. That responsibility is on Valerie for her own healing in what she wants to shift. I want to invite you to, through this sound healing, meditation, singing, praying and meditating, so that we shift ourselves into a different reality, a reality where Valerie is healed. That was so empowering and powerful to even think about.
What if you changed something differently and you accepted something so radical that you cause yourself to be in a different reality. If you study quantum physics and quantum reality, you’ll come across this idea that there are multiple millions and billions and trillions of realities all existing all at the same time. There’s not really a past life. There are parallel lives all happening in the now moment. If you accept that time is a made-up construct, then everything, the past, the future, everything is happening now. Now. There’s no before and after going on.
Then how can I shift my self, my consciousness, my awareness, into a new reality? Everything I’ve ever done, everything you’ve ever done has been happening in this now moment. We talk about the past in the future by conceptualizing and memorizing the feelings which all happen in the now moment. When I’m thinking about the past. I’m NOW thinking about the past, which is a memory that happened in the NOW. What if we accepted that there was something that if I fully engaged in a different (even radical) idea, a belief, a concept that it would put me into a different reality.
So, what is that thing that I haven’t done to affect the change that I want to see? It’s different for everyone. For me, I can live kind of radically sometimes. I’ve tried some, pretty “out there” experiences , plant medicines, travel, etc. For someone that had a resistance to authority, it’s funny that I was in the military. Instead of resisting something, I actually go into it. Instead of running away from something and my mind says, don’t do that. I say “What if I did that?”
I’ve used controversial remedies to heal skin cancer. I’ve done water fasting for 9 days. My wife, Valerie has done it for 21 days. I’ve done Rites of Passage. I’ve been in a cave for 3 days with just water and a drum. I’ve ridden a 2,000 mile bicycle journey. I’ve driven a 3,000 mile motorcycle journey and camping in March. I’ve lied in a coffin. I practice unconditional love as much as possible. I’ve experienced the world’s strongest psychotropic. Just so I’m clear, I’m not promoting any of these things. Some of them are not necessarily legal. For me, it’s fun, and I have lived life on the edge in that way. I know that I made my mom very uncomfortable. I didn’t live a relatively structured or grounded life. I needed to lose myself, to find myself. Apparently, it’s what I wanted to experience.
Later in my life, I start asking myself if I want to experience something differently, on a higher level. What is the thing that I I haven’t done to effect change that I wish to see? My thing has been “releasing control” in a big way. Some of that comes in through plant ceremonies, meditation, breathwork, sweat lodge, and different things.
Here’s a song…”I release control and surrender to the flow of love that will heal me.” If you listen to that and you start singing the words, something comes over you and you feel that maybe there’s some deeper release that I could do.
So, what else could be something radical that you could do? Maybe practicing Yoga, or meditation or qigong isn’t going to cause you to get the job that you want. Or maybe it’s not going to heal your acid reflux directly. But, what if that thing that you do that you start to practice puts you into the reality that you are the person that practices that and has that consciousness which puts you into the new reality. That thing that you’re looking for is more available to you now. I invite you to stop thinking that this particular qigong, or yoga meditation, or giving up alcohol, or whatever the thing is, or not to eat fish, or whatever that thing is is not going to make sense to you. Do this and it’ll affect this change. Stop thinking like that. You’re an amazing being that exists in multiple realities. And you’re putting yourself into closer proximity to that reality. There’s this movie called Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. There’s a funny concept in there that when they when they need to know all martial arts to save their life, they need to do something so drastic like…cut every finger with a paper cut which causes them to engage into a stream of consciousness in the reality that they know martial arts. Or, they need to pull off some chewed bubble gum out from underneath the desk and eat it, which is so drastic, which causes their mind to become distracted, to allow them to go into that reality. It’s just a very unique concept, and they do some pretty crazy things to put themselves into that reality. That’s kind of what I’m talking about. What is the most drastic thing that I could engage in? And I’m not talking about anything unhealthy or legal. I’m just talking about something different that would change the habits of my personality that would change my beliefs. So, one of the things that would be really drastic for me is… What if I engaged in a qigong that put me into a different consciousness of healing that really caused me to be present? What if I did some yoga in which I moved through every pose very slowly for an extended period of time? What if I engaged in a meditation that would bring me in touch with my own death? What would that really be like if I knew that my death was coming? If I really allowed that thought?
Let’s just kind of take a moment. There would be some things that would be the most important thing. You would be really present right now and feeling the effect that you’ve had on the world, that your your time in the world is coming to an end, at least in this body. You’d have to look honestly at the positive effect that you’ve had on the world the love that you brought to the world, that the reality of your being is not the the bullshit idea that your mind has been giving you. Instead, that you are an amazing being of love and you’d have to accept that. You’d have to drop away all those things that you were worried about, that you kept with you, that you’re not worthy, you’re not lovable. You’d have to let all that go.
Some other things you could do that would be so radical and carried the possibility that you might really piss off some people…
What if you accepted that you are nothing but Christ’s consciousness?
What if you decided that every morning for 5 minutes, you as sit as Christ. Calm. That’s radical.
Would you piss off God? Would you piss off Christ.
You’d have to look at that.
What if you decide to do it anyway? Just in your heart.
in your heart of hearts. You close your eyes, and for 5 min
you decided to, because you could, because you had that ability, you had that permission.
No one took that away from you that you sat in as a Christ.
Can you imagine what that would be like?
Not a person, but as a consciousness.
Not as an egoic thing, just allowing everything that isn’t Christ’s consciousness to fall away.
Now you’re getting somewhere. Now you’re getting into deep healing.
The little bit that I was able to read about the book “A Course in Miracles”, I found it to be a pretty deep book, and for me it was kind of hard to keep reading, because it’s it’s really far out there. But one of the concepts concepts was…If you have an illness or a disease, there’s something out of alignment with your relationship with Christ’s consciousness or with God. It was challenging to really accept that. To really accept that relationship. All healing would happen instantaneously. If it’s not happening, then there’s a block in your agreement with your relationship with that consciousness. We choose not to sit in as that Christ Consciousness. That’s what I contemplate “What if it took drastic measures? What if I, I finally accepted, not me, the person, not my ego itself, but who I really am?” That would be drastic, that would be so radical. To close my eyes and take a deep breath. I show up as the light of consciousness. At least for this moment. Right now, I accept. I embrace that realization and that reality. Every time my mind comes in with some resistance like “Who do you think you are?”, I let that go lovingly. All I’m doing is I’m just sitting here in that light. I start to feel my heart expand. I start to feel this reality come in. It starts to make my eyes water. My breath changes. I give myself permission to be so close with the Christ consciousness, which could be Buddha or it could be Jesus or it could be Mohammed. It could be anything of that consciousness. It’s so amazing. It brings this smile to my face and opens my heart even more that I’ve always had that ability. The only thing that’s kept it from me is thought or a belief. If in any moment, I could engage in that, that must be reality. What if we did allow that?
Sometimes drastic events take drastic measures. Sometimes, when all else fails, we move beyond any “middle man” and we allow the greatest love. We allow ourselves to be in alignment with that greatest love beyond the physical, beyond the body, beyond anything that we can understand. Whew! Wow! That becomes the most important thing. You’re gonna get it, anyway, when you die, from what I understand. What if we did it now?
So if you’ve supposedly tried everything…
What if you tried that thing that you don’t give your self permission to do?
Have you tried everything?
Have you tried praying? To something inside of yourself?
Have you tried meditating with love?
Have you tried Yoga with no religion attached to it? Have you tried qigong?
Have you tried jumping up and down, rolling on the floor becoming a kid again.
Have you tried letting go of the story that you’ve tried everything.