Emotions: Feeling angry and sad about the things you can’t say. You feel that you have no right to speak up. Felt suppressed during childhood. You feel run down by responsibilities and the need to fight for what you want. Desperate to change your circumstances and people in your life who frustrate you. You don’t heard or respected unless you lose your temper. You often have strong-willed, controlling, or selfish partners, making you angry and feeling exhausted. You feel that you have to do everything on your own. Carrying many burdens gets you the attention you need. Conflict causes this condition. You feel that you get very little in return in your relationship, only arguments and confrontation.
Solution: Surround yourself with people who “see” you and love you unconditionally. Set healthy (not protective) boundaries by discovering your needs and voicing your opinions and preferences clearly. Stand up for yourself. No festering of thoughts. Don’t swallow words. Become authentic with your truth in the moment. Release anger and frustration. Fall in love with yourself.
Virtue: Clarity, empowerment, boundaries
Affirmation: I know what is best for me. I say what I need to say when I need to say it.
For more information about the emotional cause of illnesses, visit: RootCauseOfIllness.com