Are You In Crisis Or Danger? Get Help

Can a session be done over the phone or Skype?

Yes. Depending on your preference, all counseling sessions can either be done over the phone or via Skype/Zoom.

WHAT IS IT THAT YOU DO EXACTLY? Is This Talk Therapy? Because I’ve Had Enough Of That.

No, it isn’t Talk Therapy. You will talk, but not in the way you may be used to. MetaTherapy – beyond therapy. Nothing is out of the scope of discussion. Daniel listens. Really listens and feels. You listen and really feel. Daniel doesn’t help you cope with your stress, anger, anxiety, stuckness or fear…he helps you uncover what is at the source of it and clear it and affect everything that it has touched in your past. This can and does normally happen very quickly (sessions are 1-3 hours). There are instances which may take more time, but are all dependent on how much resistance is there wanting to hold onto the old patterns and programs.

I need structure and help with accountability!

Great! Choose from one of our programs here.

What About Cancer Support and Healing Illness, Pain and Disease?

Realizing that for every illness, there is an emotional cause, Daniel focuses on clearing the root cause. Used for: cancer therapy support, healing physical and emotional pain, stress and anxiety clearing. One of the venues that Daniel offers his gifts at a wellness center that specializes in alternative therapy for patients in cancer recovery, where he spends a short time, every week, in his Awakening & Healing session. Daniel seamlessly blends psychosomatic understanding (body-mind), metaphysics, quantum physics, spirituality, wellness concepts and humor to engage patients in elevating their hope, knowledge and heart energy. Sound healing techniques (didgeridoo, crystal bowl, Native American flute, and vocal toning) are used to activate healing frequencies. It has been found that these methods help to reduce stress and anxiety and allow the person to heal themselves. The emotional clearing and support that patients receive has been reported to be invaluable.

Can I Do Breathwork Remotely?

Yes. In fact, here’s what is possible…”I just made use of the recording of the shamanistic guided breath work and I wanted to thank you very much. I felt as though I had some tremendous realizations about situations and opportunities in my life and was able to let go of some tightness and anger over an issue related to work. I was left feeling lighter and inspired.” – Andrew

Of course, breathwork live with a qualified practitioner is best and via Zoom/Skype is second best. If those options are not available, better to experience breathwork remotely on your own, rather than not. Check with your doctor first beforehand, because the breathing technique is intense and NOT a meditation. We breathe all the time…we just need to breathe deeper. It is highly recommended that we have a session directly afterwards.

You can purchase a pre-recorded breathwork (with voice-over) here.