Read this 6 times…
“It is not that physical reality is false. It is that the physical picture is simply one of an infinite number of ways of perceiving the various guises through which consciousness expresses itself.”
― Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
Consciousness/I AM is expressing itself as this particular version of physical reality.
What is more “real”? The Source behind the projection or the Projection?
I am not “here” in this reality. I AM the Source of the projection.
If we knew this like we knew what it is to be “the churning of the Sun” and “the sway of the grass in the breeze” we would realize the only thing to DO here is to meet this reality with LOVE and EMBRACING. Because this life is not being created outside of us but from that which drives our breath and life force. We are that.
Sooo, “How can I appreciate the veil of separation and know that it is the thing that facilitates this amazing experience AND hold within my awareness (as much as possible) to bring Love into all of it?”
What about when I show up not so “spiritual” and things agitate me or trigger me? I’m not here to cease having emotions and become a flatline personality. I meet that feeling as part of the reality I’m creating. I allow it to move me inside and do my best to not get lost in the details the way my mind wants to. I find yet another way to love myself through it and know that everyone is here to love and support me in my soul’s evolution.