The great mystic, Joseph Campbell, says that we’re in a freefall into the future and all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. Let go.
Looking at a swiftly-flowing river, notice how perfect everything is. Water flows gently around the obstacles. Imagine yourself hanging tightly onto a rock on the bank of the river. The struggle is intense and it literally wears you out. Let go of the riverbank. You are taken, by nature, directly to where the natural flow exists. Do you see how life “in the flow” is a dance?
Letting go allows us to receive so much. It’s true that when you lovingly and consciously let go of material things, you make room for something better. Everything is taking up space in our mind. Create more space and allow the flow of Spirit and your joy to come through. There is prosperity, abundance, happiness and fulfillment when we let the natural flow of life in.
All this “letting go” and you might think I am what people like to call “commitment-phobic”. Actually, it’s just the opposite. I love relationships. I am in a relationship because of the feeling of love that I have when I am with that person. We are in divine union, create love and make love in the tantric way. The tantric way is about tasting and experiencing all of life in a very full and complete way. All is sacred. All is beauty. Speech is poetry. Silence is ecstasy. Love is divine and precious. This all stems from loving myself first. When you love your own reflection then you can fully love someone else’s. Let go of the past. Release yourself from the bondage of your thoughts. Forgiveness is key. Forgive unconditionally and completely.
One night, while sitting in the office at the spiritual sanctuary in California, I had a strong desire to call my twin brother. Ken answered “Howzit brah?” (Ken lives on the island of Kauai). I told him that I wanted to share a prayer of forgiveness with him. Ken was totally open to it and we said this prayer together.
“To all those that I have hurt knowingly or unknowingly, through thoughts, words, or actions…
please forgive me.”
Take a deep breath and exhale the relief of this…
“To all those that have hurt me knowingly or unknowingly, through thoughts, words, or actions…
I forgive you.”
It was powerful. Ken said he had wanted to call me, as it had been eating away at him for a long time. He also apologized for an episode that he felt needed more forgiveness and it felt perfect. Later, I learned about “Ho’oponopono”. Though people have had their own adaptations of “Hoʻoponopono” (ho-o-pono-pono) which Wikipedia states “…is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness”, I understand it as a way for us all to sit down and communicate to each other about what is going on in our lives and within our family. I find the following associated prayer very helpful with healing physical pains as well as emotional conflict.
“I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you”
When he was finally released from a life-time of prison, Nelson Mandela said “As I walked toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.”
There has been much said about the rising of divine feminine and expressions of forgiveness from men to women. On the physical side of things, this is beautiful. There is also another step that is important. There is a further alignment to be initiated and that is associated with the brotherhood of men who are involved with the pursuit of their self-mastery.
As men have been associated with the conquering and domination of women, men can tend to feel lost in the pool of Divine Feminine Retreats and gatherings, with no attention given to men to also shift their awareness and claim their own divinity. For ultimate evolution and ascension, a Brotherhood Of Self-Mastery will be created, allowing men to stride in perfect step with the fully empowered and awakened woman. This is something that my friend and I have co-created. It takes a strong man to pursue fullness and to be vulnerable; he is not worried about losing anything, or showing himself as weak by expressing his feelings. Women can breathe deeply around self-assured men. There is a Cherokee proverb that goes something like this, “A woman’s highest calling is to lead a man to his soul, so as to unite him with Source. A man’s highest calling is to protect woman so she is free to walk the Earth unharmed.” When you start to truly honor each other as the divine, instead of competing with them, your life changes in a powerful way. You are a force that is truly unbeatable. But, in order for this to be a possibility, we will want to get to a place of loving ourselves.
Forgiveness From Men To Men
To you my Brother, I apologize.
If I have ever done or said anything to hurt you, belittle you, offend you or emasculate you…please forgive me.
My knowledge of how to show love to my fellow man was limited, based in fear, and was not heart-centered.
I did not know how to treat you as the Divine Being that you and I are.
Thinking this was how men loved other men, I used it as a way to pretend to raise myself up amongst our friends. I did not raise myself up. This was my insecurity as a man.
I forgot that my challenges of being a man were the same challenges that you were experiencing.
No more. I have found my own true strength.
You and I are connected as One Being.
You are no less perfect than any Sage, Master or Saint.
Brother, please receive this healing.
By acknowledging You and your natural strength, intelligence, and protection,
I acknowledge and honor my own.
By offering guidance in Self-Mastery and becoming a complete Being,
I will continue to teach myself.
With deep respect and love for you, I will openly accept your wisdom without judgment or competition.
Together in our brotherhood, may we both become the complete Men that is our soul’s destiny, in this physical reality. And through being an example of great men, we shall teach other men to realize this and even more.
Together, we commit to teach our sons these values and virtues.
From Men to Women
If I, or any other man, have ever done anything to hurt you or offend you, and for the manifold transgressions against women, you and every other, I apologize.
Please forgive me and please forgive us.
If you have ever felt demeaned, un-cherished, or your womanhood betrayed in any way;
If I or any other man has failed to see the light of your sex and the brilliance of your female spirit, on behalf of all of us, I apologize.
May the beauty of women and the power of women and the vision of women now burst forth in our world and in our consciousness.
May the mind of man be healed. May the heart of woman repair. I commit to you and to God that I am, and shall be, a man who sees your value. I see your light.
God bless you and your sisters, our mothers and our daughters. I shall teach my sons to honor you.
Surrender is another key to being fully awakened. Surrender is not about giving away power or anything of your Self. It is about preparing to receive all that is being offered you, that which you have been pushing away from. Surrender to the experience. Get into the natural flow of life. Let go of past deeds, fears, circumstances, revenge, mistakes and choose to forgive. Not letting go only causes suffering in you. Look around you and see how lives are sometimes lived driven by an ego. When you fight against forgiving, you are fighting against your own soul. Your ego is driving this fight to stay in drama and suffering. Can you see how you are causing only your own suffering? Every time you have a new thought against forgiving, you are proving that your ego is more powerful than You. It really isn’t, but the ego part of you is doing its best to assert itself. It does this in a way that always tries to say “I’m only doing the best for you.”
Michael Mirdad, Spiritual Director of the Global Center For Christ Consciousness, in Sedona, states “Know the truth, but respect the illusion”. It is by fully embracing life that we experience grace. What is grace but divine influence, Oneness and connection with All That Is, while in the body, in this physical dimension.
Stop pushing against and having a fixed position. Letting go of things, ideas and people that you are no longer in alignment with, allows that which you are in alignment with to flow into your life. Let go of living for obligations. Stop living for “what ifs”. Plan for great prosperity and abundance! Quit pushing against. Quit fighting for your limitations. Trust your truth.
Stop trying to fix others. All this protesting and fighting against issues of global domination, injustices, conspiracies. Just let it go. Stop following it. You will be ok…more than ok. You will start to notice your own happiness and contentment. All these ideas went through my mind as I completed the 1500 mile motorcycle trip, in the cold wind, from Sedona to Olympia in Washington state. The last leg of the trip was an especially long endurance ride (11 hours). As I settled into Olympia, my initial thought was to create flyers, contact Unity churches and really “put myself out there”. As it turned out, it all worked out perfectly. I met an enlightened woman who had planned on being in Sedona the day I met her. Her trip was canceled and we found ourselves having an especially deep conversation and became instant friends. Helen setup everything at the Unity church in a town in Washington and it turned out magically.
As I left Washington, I became fully aware how everything was perfectly taken care of, without me having to figure anything out. Now, in my one-person tent planted in the ground at Smith Rock State Park in Oregon, the geese are cackling nearby, tiny raindrops tap on my tent and children talk nearby. It had been one of the more challenging motorcycle trips again. Rain for 100 miles, then hail and finally, at the pass on Mt. Hood, snow. Snow on my helmet that I had to wipe off with my gloved hand. This California-native isn’t used to this part of motorcycling. I was reminded, as I am now in this very moment, that the sun always comes out.
Sharangati: total faith in God