Brace yourself my friend. Your body is an illusion. Ask any scientist that has studied quantum-physics and what our bodies are actually made up of and they should be able to tell you how our atoms are mostly empty space…a lot of empty space. Are you here? “Yes, by golly! I am here. I can see my body.” Yes, I trust you are “here”, as in present in this moment. Are you here? You are here and everywhere. Who says You are defined by the illusion of skin and physical boundary? Science has proven in many ways and methods that we are not solid beings with distinct borders.
Dr. Imoto (Author of The Power Of Water) has proven that we can change the properties of water by our thoughts. Our bodies consist mainly of water, energy and empty space. This empty space contains atoms which consist of electrons buzzing around at just below the speed of light. Scientists have found that these electrons are actually popping in and out of existence (The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock). When the speed of these electrons was increased to above the speed of light, part of the object seemed to actually dematerialize. In what is known as a “Quantum Double-Slit Experiment” using a sort of “electron gun” that could shoot electrons towards a plate with two identical slits cut out of it, resulting in a pattern on a target in the background. Particles would act predictably and show a definite pattern on the target. On the quantum level (really small particles like electrons), physicists found that electrons sometimes behave as a “wave-form” (which transfers energy) and sometimes as a particle (which have mass), depending upon if there was an “observer” during the experiment. Without an observer, the electrons would go through both slits, act like a wave, creating ripples (“interference pattern”) and bounce off of itself, which would then create many lines on the target. That all was normal and expected. Now, here’s the cool part. With an observer watching the experiment, the wave (of possibilities) would collapse the interference pattern and act like a particle. There was only one line for each slit, instead of many! Follow this out and it turns out that the universe is apparently a “mental” construction. This experiment is also known as the “Copenhagen” theory or interpretation and I have had first-hand experience of it. One late night, I had occasion to wake up from a deep sleep and needed to go to the bathroom. As I sat there on the toilet, the toilet paper was attached to the wall in front of me, at eye level. I remember looking at it and seeing a sort of fractal image of it. You might automatically think that my vision was out of focus, but it wasn’t the same. The image that I saw was sharp, but vibrating as multiple images. The toilet paper holder hadn’t solidified into a fixed position for a split second. Once it did, it “locked in”. Another interpretation among quantum physicists is the “Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI)” and it postulates that the wave-form or possibility never collapses or “locks in”, it just branches off into every possible outcome of every situation in physical reality. Still another is the DPI or “Daniel Posney Interpretation” (this is where I became famous) and it states that it’s actually a combination of the two theories. The wave-form collapses and continues to exist in every possible outcome of the scenario. Oprah, here I come!
Further experiments prove that at the quantum level, objects are “entangled”, meaning once two or more objects are in close contact with each other and then later separated, they both behave as if they are still connected. Do you see where this is going? We are all of this. We are energetic beings created by our thoughts and beliefs. But wait! There’s more.
Thoughts create beliefs. Emotions follow thoughts. Emotions, through energy, create the physical body. Your mind is giving you the illusion that your body is a solid mass of muscle, bones, organs and skin. Your body is created with your beliefs and your thoughts (in that order). When you search for the cause of an illness, stop looking externally (environment, other people, conditions…etc.), unless the foods you eat and drink do not reflect good choices for nourishment. Instead look inside for the cause (diet, emotions, past trauma, patterns…etc.). Probably 90% of illness and disease is caused by fear, anger, and guilt.
It’s true that medicine can do amazing things to seem to cure what ails us and homeopathic medicine does wonders as well. As taught in the book “A Course In Miracles”, medicine is magic. There is an object called a “pill” or some “medicine” or a “machine” that you will focus on and put your trust and faith into. These are all placebos. It may be proven that taking this concoction in order to stimulate that inadequacy will work to fix the problem. But, the problem is before the body’s outward manifestation of it. This is not to say that we/you shouldn’t take your medication. If the magic works and it makes you feel better, then by all means, use it. Only, find out what the cause is on the energetic level, so that it can truly be healed.
There have been many recorded and verified cases of humans living without food or water. This would seem to put into question the belief that we humans need food and water to live. It can no longer be considered a basic necessity. It is a desire. Now imagine that you were subsisting on prana/energy, sunlight and love. What then would you feed into your body? When will you be able to accept this idea? Until then, you know you can’t do it before you even start, because you don’t believe it. Fasting not only cleanses the body, but also exercises and disciplines your will to become strong within your understanding that you are the Spirit and not the body.
The healing technique that I have experienced fantastic results with is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or “tapping”. At one time, I had a very painful sciatic nerve, triggered by a long motorcycle ride. A friend told me about Lynn Mathews who practiced massage therapy, spiritual counseling and this technique (tapping). Before starting, Lynn told me to rate the amount of pain I was experiencing, on a scale of 0-10 (10 being the highest). I did. She next had me repeat some phrases while gently tapping on different key points of my upper body (mostly the head). It went something like this “Even though I am feeling this pain in my sciatic nerve, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” Then, while tapping (5-7 times) on the body points (lowest part of my pinky finger, eyebrow, side of eye, under eye, under nose, chin, collarbone, under arm and finally the top of my head) I would say something like “This sciatic pain that I’m feeling”. I’d take a couple deep breaths and “check-in” with my body and again rate the amount of pain to see if it had changed. In most cases, it had. But, sometimes, it wouldn’t. So, we’d go back and do it again or we’d “talk” to the resistance. As unconventional as it may seem, it worked! This pain that we think we feel really is in our minds. Yes, we experience it as real pain, but can control it. We do control it when we create it.
EXERCISE: Energy Ball
- Rub the palms of your hands together quickly (like you are warming up your hands).
- Shake your hands out (like you are shaking water off of them).
- Place your hands in front of you, palms facing each other (like you are holding a basketball).
- Notice the resistance between your hands.
- Feel how there is a field of energy that fluctuates when your hands move closer and further apart.