You are enough. You are doing things in order to have an experience, not to become enough. This is the story of your soul. You are here having a physical experience, not to make yourself enough. You are not a “spiritual person” and do not have “spiritual” experiences and are not on a “spiritual” path. You, I, we are of spirit, souls who are having a dream of a physical dimension.

How could you not be worthy? You and I are both created from the stars. It’s a fact. We are composed of energy. You are an aspect of God. How could you not warrant forgiveness, unconditional love, if those things weren’t already inherently given? Are you so special and different from everyone else that you are somehow not directly connected with God and are not worthy of everything you ever desired? We have the choice of asking for anything we want. Instead of settling for something less than our greatest wish, instead of seeing what we can afford, dream it and envision and feel what it would be like to have it and let the Universe figure everything out. Be patient and feel it.

We are taught that as humans, we are somehow less able than non-physical beings (angels, saints, ascended masters). But, really it takes a lot to focus through dimensions into one dimension. It is known to be a difficult thing to do. But, we have done it and have courageously determined to help humanity evolve by taking this physical form. There are no mistakes in the universe or in creation. If you exist, you are perfection, you are magical, you are imperative to the completeness of creation. Your soul knows the truth of who it is. You cannot think how big you are, how amazing you are, how divine you are.

While visiting a Buddhist Meditation Center in Olympia, the Buddhist nun shared this, “When we say to someone ‘You’re so…[stupid, beautiful, ugly, smart]’, we are not experiencing the truth of who or what they are. We are seeing our ‘wrong’ interpretation.” I just experienced this. An older man, let’s call him “Grumpy” , seemed to not be able to smile and seemed to always share sarcasm and complaining as his main form of communication. But, when I experienced him loosen up and show me his beautiful, radiant smile, I was amazed! Before this, I did not know him and was not experiencing his soul. Remember this…someone having an opinion of you is them saying “I am having this dream of you…”. While reading a letter from one of his critics, H.L. Mankin responded with “I’m sitting here in the smallest room of my house, with your letter of criticism before me. Soon, it will be behind me.” I love that. Get it? “Smallest room of my house” – toilet.

There is a story in which a beautiful girl in the village was pregnant. Her angry parents demanded to know who the father was. At first resistant to confess, the anxious and embarrassed girl finally pointed to Hakuin, the Zen master whom everyone previously revered for living such a pure life. When the outraged parents confronted Hakuin with their daughter’s accusation, he simply replied “Is that so?” When the child was born, the parents brought it to Hakuin, who now was viewed as an outcast by the whole village. They demanded that he take care of the child since it was his responsibility. “Is that so?” Hakuin said calmly, as he accepted the child. For many months he took very good care of the child, until the daughter could no longer withstand the lie she had told. She confessed that the real father was a young man in the village whom she had tried to protect. The parents immediately went to Hakuin, to see if he would return the baby. With profuse apologies they explained what had happened. “Is that so?” Hakuin said as he handed them the child.

Let any insults slip right by you by non-verbally saying “Is that so?” or “Really?” My friend likes to say (in his best East Indian accent) “You can keep your gift”. Also, when someone pays you a compliment, do the same…quietly, to yourself, say “Is that so?” You could add a sincere verbal “Thank you”.

Stop living your life in relation to others and instead, create from where you are. Be comfortable in your own higher being-ness and you will no longer feel pulled down to other consciousness.

“When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town, so, as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize that the only thing I can change is myself. And suddenly I realize that if, long ago, I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family could have made an impact on our town. The town’s impact could have changed the nation, and I could indeed have changed the world.” – Unknown
Before trying to change anyone or anything, there first needs to be Self Love. Self Love has to be the first step. Absolute love or healing needs to be preceded by Self Love. Once you know self love, love everything absolutely. Does your healer, life coach, confidant, or guru know self love? Is the person you are getting guidance or direction from “clearer” than you?

EXERCISE: Stand in front of a mirror and say these words:

EXERCISE: Say this, with sincerity and passion, at least 5 times. Now say: I FORGIVE YOU

EXERCISE: Finish these sentences:
“As for my appearance, I think…”
“I only feel loved when…”
“I feel angry when…”
“My biggest weakness is…”
“When I feel hurt, I…”
“My greatest talent is…”
“My deepest fear is…”
“My greatest desire is…”

Finding the answers to these questions can greatly assist us in uncovering our truths and removing obstacles to knowing ourselves.