Apathy, laziness, and lack of motivation are wrapped up into lack of self-worth, sadness and depression. Normally, we say you’ve got to get yourself out of it or you just got to do something. That just gets back into the same unhealthy processes. What really helped me...
Shifting Perspectives My Gallbladder Teacher I’d like to share what this whole experience of getting my gallbladder removed has taught me so far. Though, I know that there’s more to come, I can feel it and where I’m at right now with it. I can feel...
Read this 6 times… “It is not that physical reality is false. It is that the physical picture is simply one of an infinite number of ways of perceiving the various guises through which consciousness expresses itself.” ― Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks: The Eternal...
What a powerful counseling session I had yesterday! I was honored and challenged to be their first session in their multi-day retreat. Infidelity with a relative who subsequently passed. Childhood physical and sexual abuse. Porn addiction. Spouse is a therapist. Guilt...
A Story of Unconditional Love – which may help You. A friend of mine who grew up with an abusive and alcoholic father, shared that even after he passed, his unwanted energy was still around her heart and her childhood home. She wanted it to go away, so she could...
Focusing On The Flaws I apologize for my nonsensical mind. My experience will surely be full of beauty and my mind will focus on the tiny flaws. I may not be able to keep it from doing this, but I can not pay so much attention to...