Daniel Posney blog. Insight and epiphanies. Emotional causes. Why people don’t heal. Inspiring stories. Healing. Collection of Prayers. Our Deepest Longing.
Transforming Frustration Disappointment and Unworthiness
Transforming Frustration Disappointment and Unworthiness If you find yourself unmotivated about the future, because of frustration and...
What If God Is Ok With The World That It Creates?
What if God/Love is ok with the world, because this is just one frame of the reality, where God creates every version existing now? Actually, God...
Drastic times call for drastic measures
The ancient Toltecs, which are like the Aztecs and the Mayans (an ancient culture) and Joe Dispenza both talked about unlearning certain traits....
What if you stopped BLAMING THE NARCISSIST?
All of the narcissist experts come out and profess ways to determine: if this person is a "narcissist", how to best deal with them, what their...
Sleep Apnea – Root Causes and Solutions
Sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing disorder in which repetitive pauses in breathing, periods of shallow breathing, or collapse of the upper...
Emotional Cause of Cold Sores
Emotions: Feeling angry and sad about the things you can't say. You feel that you have no right to speak up. Felt suppressed during childhood. You...
Why Some People Don’t Heal
If you’ve researched ayahuasca (a psycho-active plant used in conjunction with another plant in shamanic healing) and the ceremonies associated with...
Client Stories
You're invited to read through these initial stories of clients that Daniel has worked with. See if there's any parts of their stories that might...
DIVINE GUIDANCE “Father God within, I trust that your divine hand shall lead me in the way of my greatest good and that your will and infinite love...
We evolve. This is the inevitability of our nature. The inevitable reality is not us destroying our planet. The inevitable reality is us existing in...
We all want and desire to be valued, to make a difference and evolve. There is a deep heart’s desire to give all to be all, to be self-fulfilled and...
ecstasy and bliss
How much ecstasy can I handle? I guess someone might call this a rhetorical question. But, for me, the answer is always "As much as I'm willing to...
Your dreams are a metaphor of your inner world. Lucid dreaming is waking up in the dream. Dreams can connect you with the energy that your...
What does it mean to “Live in the heart”? It’s spreading pure love to all beings, because the love that you know, overflows from you like a levee...
Who am I? What am I? Give yourself a “permission slip” to explore this. A permission slip is anything that reminds you that you can challenge or...
Brace yourself my friend. Your body is an illusion. Ask any scientist that has studied quantum-physics and what our bodies are actually made up of...
Jump into the ocean. Why are you swimming in the ocean? What does it do for you? Experience the feeling of water on your skin. Notice the increase...
Making Love With Life
I heard a spiritual devotee say “For me, continence [refraining from sexual intercourse] can be a way to Christ consciousness or to have direct...
You Are Not Obligated
I used to get irritated when at a restaurant and someone would order something custom-made not on the menu. As I made sure I gave my simple,...
Fear and Death
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.“ – Yoda What Yoda says has truth in it. Fear...
You Are Worthy. You Are Loved.
You are enough. You are doing things in order to have an experience, not to become enough. This is the story of your soul. You are here having a...
Speak The Poetry Of Love
If you're having trouble finding words to express what you are feeling, take this as an excellent indication that you are communicating from a...
Let Go Of The River Bank
The great mystic, Joseph Campbell, says that we're in a freefall into the future and all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to...
Expectation and Suffering
If we didn’t get caught up with our own expectations, life would get easier. “I wanted to get the lead role in the play!” or “I was hoping for…” or...
Addictions and Attachments
Most of us have addictions or attachments. Some of them are not healthy for our physical bodies. Having them can be a distraction, at the least....
Right Relationship
It took me time to realize that when my partner and I were in an argument, due to my trigger, that I needed to stop thinking and stop letting my...
The Gift
I had been “in service” (working for no charge) at a crystal store and healing center called Aligning Light Center in Sedona. When someone wasn’t...
How to Resolve Apathy, Laziness, and Lack of Motivation
Apathy, laziness, and lack of motivation are wrapped up into lack of self-worth, sadness and depression. Normally, we say you’ve got to get yourself...
My Gallbladder Teacher
Shifting Perspectives My Gallbladder Teacher I’d like to share what this whole experience of getting my gallbladder removed has taught me so far....
Is Physical Reality Real?
Read this 6 times... “It is not that physical reality is false. It is that the physical picture is simply one of an infinite number of ways of...
I Was Challenged and Honored!
What a powerful counseling session I had yesterday! I was honored and challenged to be their first session in their multi-day retreat. Infidelity...
A Story of Unconditional Love
A Story of Unconditional Love - which may help You. A friend of mine who grew up with an abusive and alcoholic father, shared that even after he...
Focusing On The Flaws
Focusing On The FlawsI apologize for my nonsensical mind. My experience will surely be full of beauty and my mind will focus on the tiny flaws. I...
Inner Longing
Inner Longing What you need him/her to be for you is what they have longed to become, but just haven’t known how. What they need you to be for them...
I AM I AM the extension of love and form.I have never been born and I will never taste death.I AM infinite and eternal.I shine forth as a sunbeam to...
Come Out Of The Drama
Come Out of the Drama The sooner you come out of the drama of the negative experience and get the message that you wanted yourself to receive, the...
Your Theme
Your Theme We all have a theme of our life experience. Between the ages of birth and 8 years old, we receive emotional trauma. This is called the...
We Don’t Earn or Deserve
We Never Earn Or Deserve Anything As delicately as I can…We are only in alignment or not, through our thinking, believing and being, with the...
Accept Me As I Am
"Accept Me As I Am" “You just need to accept me as I am. I’m not going to change. “ Who is the one speaking here? It is only the mind/ego that makes...
When People Don’t Change
When People Don't Change Yours is not to assist others to change into something that is more comfortable to you. It is for you to be mindful of your...
Disappointing Others
Disappointing Others Disappointment is not fulfilling someone’s expectations of you, built upon egoic standards, beliefs and conditions. People...